Thursday, November 13, 2014

Books About Coffee

Book Store with Books About Coffee 

Thank you for stopping by. Please check out my articles on the advantages of using a one cup coffee maker, the nutritional value of coffee either iced or steaming hot and what to do with those left over coffee filters.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Iced or Steaming Hot Coffee--The Facts

Iced Coffee Nutritional Value - Learn the Facts

cartoon of old man in nightshirt holding coffee cup headed for the coffee maker, says I really need some coffee
Drinking iced coffee blends will not add a ton of nutrition to your daily intake. Brewed coffee by itself is almost calorie free and contains no cholesterol and no fat but adding things to the coffee like whipped cream, sugar or even milk adds fat, cholesterol and calories. For instance, a dollop of whipped cream (15 milliliters or 1 tablespoon) on the top adds 5 grams of fat and 50 calories. There is no nutritional value there. Adding just a tablespoon of sugar also adds 50 calories but adding a tablespoon of milk that is fat-free is only 5 added calories. If you were to order a cafe latte espresso with regular milk added you are looking at 11 grams of fat and about 200 calories but this drink with milk that is nonfat reduces the calories to 130 and takes away the added fat. All this makes a big difference if you are watching your weight or trying to lose weight.

Cappuccinos that are blended and then iced are a very popular drink especially in hot weather. A drink like this usually has sodium and sugar added to enhance the flavor. The hot version of the blended cappuccino has 45 percent less sugar and 68 percent less sodium. The icing of the drink dilutes the flavors so this is probably why so much sodium and sugar is added. If your weight is a concern then a better choice is decidedly a basic coffee drink without adding sugar.
 intravenously  intravenous
Cartoon of man on bed getting intravenous coffee from hose connected to coffee potDrinking a medium black cup of coffee will not destroy a diet because there is no cholesterol, or fat and about five calories but there is something called caffeine. Decaffeinated coffee removes most of the harmful caffeine but there are still other factors to consider while drinking coffee. Black coffee has the highest amount of caffeine (330 mg) plus sodium (10 mg). Caffeine is actually a drug that spikes energy. A burst of energy is a good thing at times but at what price? When the coffee is black there are no extra calories but the coffee itself is then in a pure form and contains 330 mg of caffeine. If caffeine is your consideration then a cafe au lait with nonfat milk in equal proportion to coffee will cut the caffeine intake right in half. Unfortunately this means the added milk takes the calories up to 130, with 18 grams of sugar, 5 grams of cholesterol, 5 fat calories and a whopping 150 mg of sodium. Using 2 percent milk instead of nonfat milk adds 55 fat calories, 25 grams of cholesterol and 60 more calories.

Calories that are burned depend on the weight of the person, the amount of time spent exercising and the type of exercise. For instance, a person who does some regular dancing for ten minutes and weighs 150 pounds will burn 52 calories while a person who weighs 300 pounds doing the same exercise and time will burn 102 calories. It stands to reason that the larger person burns more calories for the same movements. The person who carries twice the weight burns twice the calories because when they move they are moving so much extra weight it is like doing isometrics plus aerobics. A thin person needs to add weights to burn more calories while the heavy person just has to move their body. Taking a casual stroll for 10 minutes at 150 pounds will burn 28 calories but the 300 pound person will burn 57 calories. If that walk is brisk, then the calories burned off will increase about 6 percent.

Iced Coffee with Whip Cream in black and white photo
So with your iced coffee, if you want to add a dollop of whipping cream or a tablespoon of sugar to enhance the flavor, you will need to take about a 12 minute brisk walk if your weight 150 pounds to burn off the extra calories. If your pleasure is to indulge in a cafe latte espresso with whole milk and weigh150 pounds it will take 25 minutes of high impact aerobics to burn off the extra calories.
Another consideration about drinking iced coffee is that coffee has a high acid content. This makes the digestion of coffee difficult and it should not be combined with meals. Besides the health problems that too much caffeine in your diet will cause, there is also health related problems when the acid content of the foods you ingest are too high. The worse part of drinking coffee is that too much has the potential of causing problems with the body's absorption of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the food that is ingested or the supplements taken. The body will steal what it needs in the way of nutrients and vitamins from bones and vital organs in an effort to balance itself. The depleted organs will then be subject to disease.
photo of white roses alongside fancy dark brown and white coffee cup with hot coffee

The nutritional value of coffee is the same whether it is served hot or cold. A simple brewed cup of coffee has only about ten calories and no fat. However, most iced coffee lovers enjoy adding other ingredients that make an iced coffee high in calories plus adding sugar and fat. If you are on a weight loss program, an iced coffee with all the trimmings is like eating a meal, calorie wise. The bottom line is if you do choose to indulge in your favorite iced coffee treat, remember it is not the innocent cup of coffee you may have thought.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

What to Look For in a One Cup Coffee Maker and Why!

hot coffee pouring into a plain white cup
Perfect Cup of Coffee Every Time
Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single-Cup Home-Brewing System
Coffee lovers will all agree that there is just nothing better than a really well brewed cup of hot steaming coffee. The problem is, how to get that great cup of coffee every time. A one cup coffee maker could be the answer to creating perfectly brewed coffee for every single cup of coffee you brew.

Coffee is definitely its best when freshly brewed. After it sits for a while, it slowly turns into somethings that resembles mud and tastes about as good.  Saved coffee that has been reheated is not much better.  That is just the fact of the matter.  To get a truly delicious cup of coffee every in every single cup you drink it is almost a must to brew it cup by cup. 

Another problem is the quality of the coffee you brew.  Even when you buy quality coffee beans and grind them yourself using the same amount of water with the same amount of coffee it is never a given that the first cup will be consistently delicious each and every time.  If for some odd reason you freshly brewed coffee does not turn out as good as you expected you are then stuck with a pot of 'so--so' coffee. 

One way to get a gourmet cup of coffee is to buy it in a specialty coffee shop.  This can be delightful but also very expensive and a tad inconvenient.  By the time you get in the car and drive to the coffee cafe for that gourmet cup of coffee the mood may have passed.
There is a simple solution to all of this.  A one cup coffee maker will solve the inconvenience and cost issues as well as being stuck with a pot of 'so--so' coffee sitting on a warming plate or being reheated.  A freshly brewed cup of coffee each and every time you want a cup that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, so to speak, is optimal.  Small coffee makers can be used to brew just one cup of coffee and will only cost pennies per cup.  However, the coffee ground will need to be ground in the perfect amount each time or a container of ground coffee will be sitting on your counter on in your freezer getting stale over time.  This means the quality of each freshly brewed cup of coffee you make will diminish over time. 

The obvious solution to the perfectly brewed fresh gourmet cup of coffee is using a coffee maker that is designed to produce one cup of coffee perfection each and every time. 

Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single-Cup Home-Brewing SystemThis is the Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single-Cup Home-Brewing System and is my recommendation as a real solution to creating perfect coffee with every single cup you brew.  The cost is higher than the average large coffee maker but the advantages certainly outweigh the extra purchase cost.  The average for using the Keurig One Cup Coffee Maker is about $0.40 per cup.  This is far less than the cup you will buy in a cafe but more than it will cost for each cup in a big pot of coffee you brew.

The reason for choosing this particular brewing system is the versatility it offers.  This is a mid-range system cost wise because it does offer three choices in the sizes of the cups you brew.  You can choose to brew a regular cup sized cup of coffee, or choose medium setting for a mug of coffee or you can even brew a large cup of coffee in a travel mug for your morning commute.

All of these types of coffee makers use what is called a 'K-Cup'.  These are becoming more and more readily available even appearing on the grocery shelf presented by Folgers.  K-cups come in a variety of roasts and even come in a variety of teas.  Your one cup of freshly brewed beverage can even be a perfectly brewed cup of gourmet tea.  The K-cups come in a box of individually vacuumed packed sealed cups that just drop into the coffee maker and then are dropped directly into the trash with no cleanup necessary.  You know how great it is to pop the seal on a container of coffee the first time.  You get this with each K-cup.

Please leave and comments or questions and check out the Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single-Cup Home-Brewing System

Happy brewing!  Please let me know if you have found this helpful information.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Original Ideas for Using Coffee Filters

Coffee Filtersn cut with designs to make  Snowflake Ornaments
Here are some pretty original ideas for using coffee filters around the house to save money. This information has been circulating through emails and I do not know who wrote this originally but to who ever did, thank you.  When you begin using your new "one cup coffee maker" you will no longer need those coffee filters you have on hand for your old-fashioned coffee maker.  Why not put them to good use.

Coffee filters ..who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the Dollar store for almost nothing.

1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave.
Coffee filters make excellent covers.

2. Clean windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free so they'll
leave windows sparkling.

3. Protect China...Separate your good dishes by putting a coffee filter between each dish.

4. Filter broken cork from wine. If you break the cork when opening a
coffee filter parot toy, filters piled up and hanging from top of cagewine bottle, filter the wine through a coffee filter.

5. Protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to
absorb moisture and prevent rust.

6. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter.

7. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined
with a coffee filter.

coffee filter holds food for weighing8. Weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a
kitchen scale.

9. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods.

coffee filter lining bottom of potted plant10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot... Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes.

11. Prevent a Popsicle from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed ina coffee filter.

12. Do you think we used expensive strips to wax eyebrows? Use strips of coffee filters.

13. Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken
fingers, etc on them.  Soaks out all the grease.

14. Keep in the bathroom. They make great "razor nick fixers."

How to make a rose with coffee filter video.
15.  Use coffee filters to make beautiful roses.  See the "how to" videos on